Associate ProfessorAntonio Vega VegaFellowship Trained Urologist
Assoc Prof Antonio Vega Vega is Spanish and Australian trained Urologist. He graduated from the University of Salamanca in Spain.
Assoc Prof Vega Vega received his urology training for five years at the Santander University in Spain, becoming Fellow of the European Urology Association in 1997 in London. He obtained his PhD with Honours in 2001 in Renal Xenotransplants and is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons since 2011. Assoc Prof Vega Vega has very extensive experience as an Urologist. He has worked in Australia at Royal Brisbane Women’s Hospital, Nambour General Hospital, Rockhampton Hospital, Greenslopes Private Hospital, Princess Alexandra Hospital Brisbane, Mater Rockhampton and Hillcrest Rockhampton Private Hospital.
Assoc Prof Vega Vega has worked as an international Urologist Professor for Siemens for 8 years. He has been published widely in leading international journals and has presented at international conferences including the American Urological Association and European Urological Association Annual Meetings. He was also awarded best publication of the year in 2005 in the Spanish Urology Association Journal.
Scope of practice
- Urology cancers: prostate, kidney, bladder and testicular cancer
- Female Urology, incontinence and urodynamics
- Benign and malignant pathology of the prostate
- Andrology, erectile dysfunction and infertility
- Laparoscopic, open surgery and endourology
- Radical prostectomy
- Laparoscopic Nephrectomy
- Circumcision
- Vasectomy
- Paediatric urology
Assoc Prof Vega Vega is a local Urologist in Rockhampton. He is able to offer 24/7 Urology emergency service and prompt service for all referrals.
Qualifications Obtained (Primary & Postgraduate)
Medical Doctor
Medical Degree
European Board of Urology
PhD in Medical Science
Master in Public Administration
Urology Fellowship examination
Urology Fellowship
Senior Lecturer at Rockhampton Hospital
Emerging Clinical Leaders Program
Clinical and Medical Managers Orientation Program
Name of University / College
University of Salamanca, Faculty of Medicine
University of Salamanca, Faculty of Medicine
University of Cantabria
European Association of Urology
University of Cantabria, Faculty of Medicine
UNED, National University by Correspondence
Royal College of Surgeons of Australia
Royal College of Surgeons of Australia
Central Queensland University
Department of Health, Queensland
Department of Health, Queensland
Country of qualification
Year obtained
Detailed Practising History
MBBS University of Salamanca 1982-88
- 1987-1998: Intern Department of Urology. Salamanca University Hospital
- July 1998-Sept 1988: Intern Gynaecology Department Bergen University Hospital, Norway
- January 1989-March 1989. Medical Research Grant Maastricht University Hospital. The Netherlands
- September 1988-June 1990. Medical Research. Salamanca University Hospital, Spain.
- June1990-August1990. GP in a coal-mining company Leon, Spain
- July 1990-Dec 1990. GP for the National Health System (NHS) of Spain Leon, Spain
- January 1991- Dec 1991 GP in the Spanish Army. Leon. Spain
- January 1992-Dec 1996. Training position as a registrar in Urology. Marques de Valdecilla University Hospital, Santander, Spain
- January 1992-April 1993. Set 1-2 in General Surgery. Marques de Valdecilla University Hospital, Santander, Spain
- May 1993-June 1993. Set 2 Nephrology. Marques de Valdecilla University Hospital, Santander, Spain
- July 1993-Sept 1993 Set 2 Radiology. Marques de Valdecilla University Hospital, Santander, Spain
- Dec 1997-Jan1998. Visitor Urologist in Paediatric and Female Urology. Service of Urology Mount Sinai Hospital. New York. USA
- Feb 97-Dec 2006. Consultant Urology, Director of Urology . Service of Urology. Obra Hospitalaria Nuestra Senora de Regla. Leon. Spain.
- Jan 2000-Dec 2006. VMO Urology. Service of Urology/Hospital Reyes Catolicos. Burgos. Spain
- Jan 1999-Dec 2006 VMO Urology. Service of Urology. Hopital Felipe II. Valladolid. Spain
- January 2000- Dec 2007.Professor for Siemens. Siemens AD. Harmanstrasse 48. Erlangen. Germany
- Dec 2006-Dec2007. Consultant Urologist. Department of Urology. University Hospital of Leon. Leon. Spain.
- Jan 2008-Jan2009. PHO General Surgery . Rockhampton Hospital Australia
- January 2009- Dec 2009. Fellow in Urology. Royal Brisbane and Woman Hospital . Brisbane. QLD. Australia
- January 2010-Feb 2011. Fellow in Urology. Nambour Hospital. Nambour QLD. Australia.
- March 2011-Feb 2015. Consultant Urology. Rockhampton Base Hospital . QLD. Australia
- March 2011-May 2014. VMO Urologist. Princess Alexandra Hospital. QLD. Australia
- April 2011-till Now. Consultant Urologist in Mater Hospital Rockhampton and Hillcrest Rockhampton.
Current & All Previous Medical Licensing Authorities
Licensing Authority
College of physicians of Leon
College of Physicians of Cantabria
Queensland Health
Country of Registration
Participation in MOPS/CME/CPD Programs
Since graduation, during and after completion of specialist training I have been credentialed at accredited hospitals of the Spanish National Health System. These hospitals have contributed to National Audit Statistics using approved clinical indicators.
Since arriving in Australia, at the Rockhampton Base Hospital, Department of Surgery, this Department conducts a departmental audit on all cases. Queensland Health Audit Rockhampton Hospital at State Level. In Addition, the Department contributes to the Rural Surgical Audit Group of The Australasian College of Surgeons at National Levels.
During all the years that I have been practising as a Consultant, I have been periodically publishing papers about Urology. I have written more than 40 papers, most of them as first author, predominantly in Spanish and some in English. These articles appeared in journals of widespread use such as “Transplantation Proceedings” (see CV attached).
I have also been doing regular oral presentations, in national (Spanish Urological Association, USANZ 2010) and international meetings (American Urological Association). The number of oral presentations in Spanish and English currently exceeds 50.
I have been recognised by my peers by being awarded with the best-published article during 2005 in the Actas Urologicas Espanolas for the paper on “Cellular Acute Rejection in a pig-to-human kidney xenotransplant ex-vivo model”. In 1999 I received the prize for the best oral presentation with “Endoscopic treatment of urothelial tumours of upper urinary tract” in a Spanish Society Meeting.
I subscribe to and regularly read a range of urologic and medical magazines such as European Urology, Journal of Urology, and Journal of Endourology, as well as specific books about diagnosis and treatment of urological diseases. I am also a frequent user of Internet bibliographic database such as Medline, Embase, and Cochrane Database.
I have been a member of the Spanish Urological Society, European Urological Society and International Endourological Society for more than 10 years. During this time, I have been assisting and actively participating on regular bases in the meetings of these Urological Societies.
Participate in activities of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, being a facilitator of the KTOT Course.
Participates actively in Queensland Surgical Mortality Audit
Enrolled in the European Urology- Accredited Continuing Medical Education ( EU-ACME)
Participates in CPD of the College with tri-yearly certificates of completing the requisites from the College of Surgeons.
Participates actively in teaching to students at Central Queensland University on regular bases.
Participates periodically in giving up to date meetings and conferences to the GP and other specialists about Urology subjects.
Provides support to the local association and Australian Prostate Cancer Association with conferences and meetings.
Vega A, Garcia-Alonso D, Ramos A, Ruiz JC, Castillo J, Fleitas MB, Arias M,Pino Chavez G. Immunohisotchemical Study of Experimental Acute Cellular Rejection. Transplant Proc 2002; 34:731-2.
Ramos A, Vega A, Val F, Chavez G, Lopez Hoyos M, Ruiz JC, de Francisco AJ, Castillo J, Fleitas MG, Arias M. Immunohistochemical Study of a New Experimental Model of Acute Cellular Xenograft Rejection. Trasnplant Proc 2000: 32; 960.
Vega A, Ramos A, Val F, Lopez Hoyos M, Ruiz JC, de Francisco AJ Castillo J, Fleitas MG, Arias M. Early Cellular Rejection of Pig Kidney Perfused with Manipulated Human Blood to Avoid Hyperacute Rejection. Transplant Proc 1999; 31:2643-3.
Vega Vega A, Garcia Alonso D, Ramos Barron A, Val Bernal F, Pino Chavez G, Gomez Fleitas M, Arias Rodríguez M. Acute Cell Rejection in ex – vivo Model of Swine Human Renal Xenotransplantation. Actas Urol Esp 2004; 28:106-21.
Vega Vega A, Parra Muntaner LE, Garcia Alonso D, Garcia Alonso CJ, Rodríguez Lamelas JM, Reboto Rodríguez, AD. Clinical Experience and results of ESWL treatment for 1000 consecutive patients with Siemens Lithostar Modularis. Actas Urol Esp. 2005 Jul-Aug;29(7):662-6. Spanish
Vega Vega A, Canga Presa JM, Sanz de la Morena P, de la Cruz Vigo JL.[Laparoscopic adrenalectomy in adrenal carcinoma] Actas Urol Esp. 2005 Mar;29(3):277-80. Spanish.
PMID: 15945253 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Parra Muntaner L, Lopez Pacios JC, Vega Vega A, Rodriguez Faba O, Sanchez Merino JM, Madrid Garcia JF, Pineiro Fernandez Mdel C, Yanez Cisneros SC, Garcia Alonso J.
[Urinary stone in a Bricker's ileal conduit] Arch Esp Urol. 2004 Oct;57(8):851-3. Review. Spanish.
PMID: 15560277 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Vega Vega A, Garcia Alonso D, Gimenez Garcia C.,br>
[Lithiasis fragments in all kidney calices after lithotripsy session in coralliform calculus] Actas Urol Esp. 2004 Jul-Aug;28(7):560. Spanish. No abstract available.
PMID: 15384289 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Vega Vega A, Garcia Alonso D, Parra Muntaner L, Sanchez Merino JM, Garcia Alonso J.
[Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy of urolithiasis in patients with urinary diversion]
Actas Urol Esp. 2004 May;28(5):400-4. Spanish.
PMID: 15264685 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Vega Vega A, Garcia Alonso D, Ramos Barron A, Val Bernal F, Pino Chavez G, Gomez Fleitas M, Arias Rodriguez M. [Acute cell rejection in ex vivo model of swine-human renal xenotransplantation]Actas Urol Esp. 2004 Feb;28(2):106-21. Spanish.
PMID: 15074059 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Vega Vega A, Garcia Alonso D, Rodriguez Reboto AD.
[Vaginal urinary bladder fistula as a complication of abdominal hysterectomy]
Actas Urol Esp. 2004 Jan;28(1):78. Spanish. No abstract available.
PMID: 15046489 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Vega Vega A.
[Stevens-Johnson syndrome, unusual urologic involvement] Actas Urol Esp. 2001 Mar;25(3):241-4. Spanish.
PMID: 11402541 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Gutierrez Banos JL, Martin Garcia B, Hernandez Rodriguez R, Portillo Martin JA, Correas Gomez MA, del Valle Schaan JI, Vega Vega A, Villanueva Pena A, Gutierrez Garcia R.
[Tethered cord syndrome in the adult] Arch Esp Urol. 1998 Mar;51(2):195-8. Spanish.
PMID: 9586324 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Correas Gomez MA, Martin Garcia B, Antolin Juarez F, Hernandez Rodriguez R, Portillo Martin JA, Gutierrez Banos JL, del Valle Schaan JI, Roca Edreira A, Vega Vega A, Villanueva Pena A, Gutierrez Garcia R, de Diego Rodriguez JE.
[Role of nitric oxide in warm ischemia of the transplanted kidney] Arch Esp Urol. 1997 Jun;50(5):495-503. Spanish.
PMID: 9382592 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Vega Vega A, Gutierrez Banos JL, Martin Garcia B, Hernandez Rodriguez R, Portillo Martin JA, Coreas Gomez MA, del Valle Schaan JI, Roca Edreira A, Villanueva Ricardo A, Gutierrez Rodriguez R.
[Renal tumors smaller that 3 cm] Arch Esp Urol. 1997 Jan-Feb;50(1):27-31. Spanish.
PMID: 9182485 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Gutierrez Bannos JL, Martin Garcia B, Hernandez Rodriguez R, Portillo Martin JA, Correas Gomez MA, del Valle Schaan JI, Roca Edreira A, Vega Vega A, Villanueva Pena A.
[Nuclear area versus nuclear grade in the prognosis of renal carcinoma. Long-term results] Actas Urol Esp. 1996 Oct;20(9):794-9. Spanish.
PMID: 9065089 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Vega Vega A, Gutierrez Banos JL, Martin Garcia B, Hernandez Rodriguez R, Portillo Martin JA, Correas Gomez MA, del Valle Schaan JI, Roca Edreira A, Villanueva Pena A, Gutierrez Garcia R.
[Incidental versus clinical renal adenocarcinoma: comparative study (1970-1994)] Actas Urol Esp. 1996 Jul-Aug;20(7):605-13. Review. Spanish.
PMID: 8975545 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Gutierrez Banos JL, Martin Garcia B, Hernandez Rodriguez R, Portillo Martin JA, Correas Gomez MA, Del Valle Schaan JI, Roca Edreira A, Vega Vega A, Villanueva Pena A.
[Satellite intrarenal tumor nodules in renal carcinoma. Therapeutic implications] Arch Esp Urol. 1996 Jul-Aug;49(6):580-6. Spanish.
PMID: 8929100 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Gutierrez Banos JL, Martin Garcia B, Hernandez Rodriguez R, Portillo Martin JA, Correas Gomez MA, del Valle Schann JI, Monge Mirallas JM, Roca Edreira A, Vega Vega A, Villanueva Pena A.
[Cystic adenocarcinoma of the kidney. Apropos of 18 cases] Arch Esp Urol. 1996 Jul-Aug;49(6):573-9. Spanish.
PMID: 8929099 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Roca Edreira A, Correas Gomez MA, Martin Garcia B, Hernandez Rodriguez R, Portillo Martin JA, Gutierrez Banos JL, Valle Schaan JI, Villanueva Pena A, Vega Vega A, Gutierrez Garcia R.
[Correction of a vesicorenal reflux in a patient with a congenital single kidney after repeated surgical treatments] J Urol (Paris). 1996;102(3):134-6. French.
PMID: 9091560 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Villanueva Pena A, Gutierrez Banos JL, Martin Garcia B, Hernandez Rodriguez R, Portillo Martin JA, Correas Gomez MA, del Valle Schaan JI, Roca Edreira A, Vega Vega A, Gutierrez Garcia R.
[Atypical forms of renal carcinoma] Actas Urol Esp. 1996 Jan;20(1):37-42. Spanish.
PMID: 8720997 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Vega Vega A, García Alonso CJ, García Alonso D.
[Right seminal vesicle calcification]
Actas Urol Esp. 2007 Nov-Dec;31(10):1200. Spanish. No abstract available.
PMID: 18314666 [PubMed - in process]
Vega Vega A, García Alonso D, García Alonso CJ.
[Characterization of urinary tract symptoms and quality of life in patients with double-pig-tailed ureteral stents]
Actas Urol Esp. 2007 Jul-Aug;31(7):738-42. Spanish.
PMID: 17902466 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Antonio Vega Vega*, Joanne Perry-Keane**, Warwic Boon*, Tim Smith*, Angela Jefferies**, Ben Martin*
Royal Brisbane and Women Hospital * Urology and **Pathology Department.
A Case of Primary Renal Small Cell Carcinoma in a Patient with Lynch Syndrome II,
Presented as a Poster at 2010 Usanz Meeting in Perth.
A. Vega Vega, W. O’Callahan
Right obstructive ectopic ureter.
Duplicidad ureteral derecha obstructiva y ectópica
Actas Urológicas Españolas, 2010, Nov-Dec 34(10): 930, Spanish
A. Vega Vega, W. O’Callahan, T. Smith
Prostato-urethral fistula.
Fistula prostato-uretral
Actas Urológicas Españolas, 2010, Nov-Dec 34(10): 930, Spanish
Antonio Vega Vega, Guy Sheaham
Rockhampton Base Hospital, Urology Service.
Dramatic complications of prostatitis: a prostatic abscess and scrotal abscess
ANZ Journal accepted,13/8/2012, waiting for publication
Manuscript ID: ANS-2012-00457.R1
Antonio Vega Vega, Guy Sheaham
Rockhampton Base Hospital, Urology Service.
Rural outreach treatment for Bladder Cancer
USANZ 2013 – accepted 20/12/2012
Presentation title:
Antonio Vega Vega, Guy Sheaham
Rockhampton Base Hospital, Urology Service.
Primary clear cell adenocarcinoma in a female urethral diverticulum: a case report and review.
USANZ 2013 – accepted 20/12/2012
Antonio Vega Vega, Guy Sheaham
Rockhampton Base Hospital, Urology Service
Clear Cell Adenocarcinoma of a urethral diverticulum: a case report and review”, accepted for publication in the WorldJournal Nephrology and
Urology, Sept 2013
Antonio Vega Vega, Isaac Thangasamy, Ariadne Blanco
Rockhampton Base Hospital, Urology Service
Collecting duct renal cell carcinoma in setting of renal failure “ a difficult diagnosis
Accepted as a poster presentation in the USANZ 2014 conference, Brisbane March 2014
Antonio Vega Vega, Isaac Thangasamy,
Rockhampton Base Hospital, Urology Service
Laparoscopic intervention in a young female with transcaval ureter: a case report
Accepted as a poster presentation in the USANZ 2014 conference, Brisbane March 2014
Antonio Vega Vega, Craig Moore,
Rockhampton Base Hospital, Urology Service
Free split-skin grafting to correct radical circumcision: A definitive solution for an under-reported complication
Presented in the North Section Meeting in Noosa October 3013
Kor Woi Tiang, Keng Lim Ng, Antonio Vega-Vega, Simon Wood
Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane
A management dilemma of a rapidly enlarging chromophobe renal cell carcinoma during pregnancy
Accepted as a poster presentation in the USANZ 2014 conference, Brisbane March 2014
Kor Woi Tiang, Keng Lim Ng, Antonio Vega-Vega, Simon Wood
Rapidly enlarging renal tumor during pregnancy: diagnostic and management dilemma
Journal of Kidney Cancer and VHL 2014; 1(1): 12-16
Awards and Research Grants
- Main investigator in the xenotransplantation group in the University of Cantabria, with a grant for two years from the Fundacion Marques de Valdecilla.
- Best paper published in 2005 in Actas Urologicas Espanolas: Vega Vega A, Garcia Alonso D, Ramos Barron A, Val Bernal F, Pino Chavez G, Gomez Fleitas M, Arias Rodríguez M. Acute Cell Rejection in ex – vivo Model of Swine Human Renal Xenotransplantation. Actas Urol Esp 2004; 28:106-21.
- Award, In 1999 I received the prize for the best oral presentation with “Endoscopic treatment of urothelial tumours of upper urinary tract” in a Spanish Society Meeting.
Membership of Learned Societies
- Member of the Spanish Association of Urology (AEU) since 1995
- Member of the Xenotransplant group. University of Santander, Spain from 1996 to 2002.
- Member of the Endourological Society since 2000
- Member of the European Association of Urology since 2001
- Member of The Real College of Surgeons (Urology) since 2009
- Member of the Australian and New Zealand Urological Association 2011,
- Member of the Section of the Female Urology of the USANZ since 2013
- Member of the Societe Internationale D’Urologia since 2013
Meetings and Courses
- 1st international Neuro-urology Meeting Zurich , Switzerland 29-30/06 2012
- Providing Strategic Direction at College of Surgeons, Sydney, NSW on Friday 9 September 2011
- Root Cause Analysis Training 4 August 2011 , Rockhampton.
- Pacific Regional Meeting work shop
Emerging Clinical Leaders Program by Department of Health, Queenlsand Goverment, duration of 100+ hours of educational activity over 12 months. Completed on 26th July 2013 - SAT SET course College of Surgeons Brisbane QLD Tuesday 29 May 2012.
Keeping Trainees on Track Facilitatiors Course at College of Surgeons Melbourne, Vic Saturday 17 March 2012 by the Royal Australian College of Surgeons. - Certificate of Continuing Professional Development 2010-2013 triennium by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
- The prostate Cancer Rural Education Roadshow Gladstone and Emerald, 12-13 August 2013
- Preparation for Practice, Brisbane, QLD, 26-27 October 2013 Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.
- 67th USANZ conference Brisbane QLD 16-19 March 2014.
Research Programs
- Degree in Urology: “Risk Factors in the Colo-Rectal Cancer: Study of the Cholesterol Levels” in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Salamanca.
- Development of markers type CEA in the university of Limburg, The Netherlands, and his study in the Ulcerative Colitis.
- Xenotransplantation, PhD for the University of Cantabria, with an experimental study of xenotransplantation pig-to-human
Other Achievements.
One week teaching courses about lithotripsy to urologists in Hospital Mae de Deus, Porto Alegre, Brazil (2000), Centro Nacional de Nutrición México DF, Mexico (2001), Médica Sur, México DF, México (2001), General Hospital Johor Bahru, Malaysia (2002), Hospital Militar Central, México DF, Mexico (2005), Hacceteppe Hospital, Ankara, Turkey (2005) Centro Radiologico de Tomar, Portugal (2006), Ecatepec Hospital, Mexico (2006), Clinica Lili, Cali, Columbia (2006), ABC Hospital, Santo André, Brazil (2006) Clínica MAZ Caracas, Venezuela (2006), Hospital de Cáncer, Franca, Brazil (2007), Hospital de la Candelaria, Canarias, Spain (2007), Hospital de Alta Especialidad del Bajio, León, Mexico (2007), Casa de Caridade Alfenas, Minas Gerais, Brazil (2007), Hospital de Valencia, Venezuela (2007), Hospital do Algarbe, Portugal (2007) Hospital de Montevideo Uruguay (2007).
During the last 3 years, all my PHOs have been selected in the next year as a Trainee by the RACS, being the only PHOs of the Surgical Department or Rockhampton accepted in a training position.
1/105 shop East Street,
Rockhampton Qld 4700